Command-T is one of the most powerful Vim's plugins but install it on a Windows box could be a bit of pain in the ass little frustrating ;). Here I'll post a step by step guide on how to install this plugin from scratch. First of all, you will need a copy of Vim compiled with ruby support (+ruby) which ins't the case of the default version that you get from the official site. While you can compile Vim by yourself, you can also download an already compiled version from here (ruby 2.0) Once your download completes, extract vim.exe and gvim.exe and copy them into “C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\Vim74” Now, got to your command prompt and run: vim –version . Among a bunch of stuff, you should see +ruby . In addition to the modified version of Vim, you will also have to install ruby 2.0. If you haven't already, go to and download de x86 version of Ruby 2.0 an
There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation,
naming things, and off-by-one errors.